Don’t Say I Never Gave You Anything: Ocean Carolina, De Staat, The Wilderness of Manitoba

This song, “Night and Day”, from Ocean Carolina, out of Brooklyn, NY, reminds me of Grant Lee Buffalo/Grant Lee Phillips in a wonderful way. It is a sweet, heartaching tune.

Ocean Carolina – Night and Day by Now This Sound Is Brave

Ocean Carolina Official Website


I was not expecting the sounds that came through my earphones when I hit play on De Staat’s “Sweatshop”. This band from Nijmegen, the Netherlands, mixes rock, dance, industrial and hip hop with ass-kicking verve. You can catch them at SXSW.

De Staat – Sweatshop by Now This Sound Is Brave

De Staat Official Site


The Wildernes of Manitoba is actually from Toronto, Ontario, but either way, this track is sunny enough to have come out of the Carolinas. Lovely instrumentation and lovely harmonies complement a bouncing, running-barefoot-through-a-field rhythm.

The Wilderness of Manitoba – Orono Park by Now This Sound Is Brave

The Wilderness of Manitoba @ Facebook