Slackday: Can you feel the blood poundin’ way down inside?

It’s Slackday, y’all! Because, let’s be honest, that’s all those Friday Fun posts have ever been: NTSIB phoning it in by looking for YouTube videos that might amuse you. Today is a special Slackday, though, as you get the barely-trying post you’ve come to expect every Friday, plus a hit of Guilty Pleasure because, this week, Slackday is all about Billy Squier, friends.

Why, in the name of Joe Strummer, do I persist in listening to Billy Squier, you ask? I got to know Billy’s music at that time in my youth when things were beginning to stir in my pants. Bad things. Shameful things. Billy understood. He had just the soundtrack for bad and shameful things. To this day, his music still makes me feel bad and full of shame, partially in my head and partially, still, in my pants.


You can’t have a tribute to Billy without this song, and the video features a starring role by the foil-wrapped zucchini in Billy’s trousers.


Saving the best for last, I like to think of this as the Deranged Richard Simmons video.
