Graphic by Liam J.V. O’Brien
We are here because we can’t not talk about music. We are here because we compulsively tell everyone we know about this killer band or that fantastic song. We are here because of our love for dirty bass and big beats, discordant clashes and high harmonies, kick-ass women and fey men (and, just sometimes, the other way around), the roots of modern music and the future, the old, the new, and new takes on the old.
We are April in Cleveland and Jennifer in Mississippi. Locations are subject to change. Our love of music is constant. Thank you for letting us share our love with you.
What a terrific blog! Found you today via yr James Leg interview and have already reposted a couple other links on FB. Hopefully we’ll see y’all at the Deep Blues Festival in Cleveland this July at the Beachland Ballroom.
Thanks so much, Rick! And, hell yes, looking forward to Deep Blues!
Wicked! Just got my tickets. Please hunt me down at the fest.
Cheers! Any hype you can give the fest would be hugely appreciated!
where art thou, finder of things?
Busy finding my own things, Dusty.
You girls are funny. Love the intent and philosophy of NTIS too. I’ll be following your posts to find new discoveries, and will be sure to submit artists to take chances with your musical tastebuds.
All the best!
We prefer being funny (and intelligent) women, but we really appreciate you stopping by and dropping a note. Looking forward to hearing what you have to share with us.
hey April… Pat Sweany at Mahall’s 20 Lanes in Lakewood next Friday 23rd.
Yep, got the message from Rick Pierik yesterday. Thanks, Mac!
Thank you guys so much for your support!